Nabeel S.

Results 133 comments of Nabeel S.

I'm getting this too, also the same workflow - delete and a bulk re-insert

Adding a stacktrace too, I've got a ton of these. Looks like most of the time it's happening when there isn't a database/file yet. ``` LiteDB ENSURE: page type must...

Thanks @mbdavid. This is happening on a brand new/fresh DB, or when deleting. Another type: ``` System.Exception: LiteDB ENSURE: transaction must be active to rollback (current state: Disposed) in Constants.ENSURE...

Just also adding in case it helps - I'm using a single database file for storing several different collections. It's happening in a separate thread, using `InsertBulk`. I'm deleting the...

@mbdavid Thanks, I posted the other case where it's happening above in a `Delete()` method. Yeah I'm just deleting the database file since it's the fastest. It's basically a write-once...

@lbnascimento I don't see a log file with those database files in that directory. It's the `_nav` files. What's weird is that `settings.db` does have one. The `Delete()` error I...

I will see if I can consistently reproduce it; it's a customer that is running into it and I only get the crash reports.

Also getting this, but not getting a full stack trace in the error reporting I use of where it's originating from. .NET 4.8, latest LiteDB ``` System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.ExitReadLock():122 LiteDB.Engine.TransactionMonitor.ReleaseTransaction(TransactionService transaction):123 LiteDB.Engine.TransactionService.Dispose(Boolean...

Actually I just saw `MultiLineString`, so I guess I should add the geometries to that.

Yeah. I found this implementation and translated it over: It's working quite well, and I'm translating the tests over now. I'll include the code here for if someone finds...