Xavier Cho

Results 71 issues of Xavier Cho

Currently, invoking `PaintBuffer.GetBytes` with both `mode` and `origin` arguments fails to work as expected since each step uses the original buffer, ignoring the result of the previous step. I'm not...

### 🕗 Version 0.5.8-rc.4 ### 💻 Code or Package Name `org.jetbrains.dukat.nodeIntroduction` ### 🙁 Actual behavior If you try to generate Kotlin API wrappers for [@babylonjs/core](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@babylonjs/core), it will fail with the...

It looks like when the game has low fps, input events get "accumulated" as well, so the code sees active input events (bge.logic.keyboard.activeInputs) long after they ceased to exist (e.g....

I found that mouse wheel related input events get ignored when the framerate is low. e04bff5 seems to fix the problem when the `Use Frame Rate` option is not enabled....


With the latest master(d87ec299e), running the project without checking `Use Viewport Render` option result in a black screen. However, when the option is checked, `post_draw` callback stops working (which works...


Currently, _IntelliJ_ supports debugging of _Scala.js_ project, which emits source map files with absolute path: * https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/SCL-9936 Because _sbt-web-scalajs_ ignores `relativeSourceMaps` setting, projects based on the plugin cannot be debugged...

It seems Pentaho platform bundles its own version of FOP, and throws following exception when PDF export is requested : ``` Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRendererMaker cannot be cast to org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRendererMaker...


We need to implement REST API service layer to allow integration with non-JSF clients, like AngularJS. - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/pivot4j-list/FzqIT4fs4Jc


Currently, the analytics client fails to run on both Jetty 0.8.x and 0.9.x containers. It seems that JSF factory does not get initialized correctly in the former and lifecycle annotations(JSR250)...


We still need to confirm this, but from the stacktrace below, it seems that it sometimes fails to correctly parse a report file which contains characters with a certain encoding...
