
Results 123 comments of Grey

I had a thought related to this discussion that I figured I'd share to see if anyone likes it. We could offer two functions: `SkeletonPtr Skeleton::clone()` and `SkeletonPtr Skeleton::parallelize()`. The...

> At this point I gave up because I need to copy over some resources from the DART repository: Right, currently one of the tutorials uses a model which is...

> I think the models are only used by the tutorials. They're also used by the "examples", including the OSG examples. There has been discussion of moving the OSG examples...

One possible explanation is that disabling collisions between "adjacent bodies" as defined by DART is not always sufficient. DART considers adjacent bodies to be bodies which have a direct parent-child...

It's [this line]( in `detail/GenericJoint.hpp`, where we compare the user-requested value against the existing value. It's a rare case where we really do want bit-wise comparison of two floats.

We absolutely want bitwise comparison for these floating point values, because otherwise we would inadvertently filter out small changes in input values. The purpose of the comparison is to avoid...

I think I would much rather use warning suppression macros than do anything that involves `reinterpret_cast`.

Yes, the equality operation should be the kind of comparison we want. The post you linked seems to be talking about comparing specific bits within the floating point representation, but...

I would be totally okay with this. I've thought about moving away from assimp for internal mesh structures, and the only thing that stopped me from proposing it was a...

Were you getting this for `boost::regex` rather than `boost::program_options`? If so, I saw it as well. I think the solution might be to seek out a more robust way to...