Michael Voříšek

Results 668 comments of Michael Voříšek

Probably very related issue with clover renderer - never reached condition is rendered with `falsecount = 2`: coverage data from instrumented JS code: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2228672/194605714-4161e231-c6b3-45d2-bcd7-e1bdfb3392fe.png) currently rendered clover line: ```xml ```...

> `truecount` means there are `truecount` branches **are covered** in this condition, and `falsecount` means **"not covered"**. CodeCov think `truecount` means the **times** that condition is judged as true, and...

your example with `case` is great, for https://github.com/KiritaniAyaka/istanbul-coverage-report/commit/6a301a54f12a57d6e30ffce41d6fa28eed4a0b93 commit the clover output is: ```xml ``` It seems you are right about the current output format. The output is following: -...

thank you for the reply, the problem is the `falsecount` definition as shown on a real istanbuljs/nyc clover output data in https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbuljs/issues/695#issuecomment-1274472681 istanbuljs/nyc defines `falsecount` as number of non-reached branches...

see https://github.com/atk4/data/blob/aacc24708166f39c4595f829105dbccc4467739c/tests/LookupSqlTest.php#L112 I belive a weak approach is bad - any condition (added by an user) will still break the (currently commented) hook code. Maybe a solution can be to...

closing in favor of #1054

Enviroment var. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/debug-trace-profile/diagnosing-errors-with-managed-debugging-assistants#environment-variable or according to this https://github.com/dotnet/docs/blob/master/docs/framework/debug-trace-profile/contextswitchdeadlock-mda.md doc a https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.mtathreadattribute `MTAThreadAttribute` attribute should supress the warning. But the enviroment var. needs to be set before the app. is started...

> @mvorisek - Can you provide an example where did you applied the MTAThreadAttribute ? I do have AutoOpen() method. Thank you for opening this topic, but I am sorry,...

I tried https://github.com/gdraheim/docker-systemctl-replacement/commit/db6217abe5710419ec81dae8899b6627e2aa42a1 commit from develop to solve https://github.com/gdraheim/docker-systemctl-replacement/issues/131#issuecomment-987486359 (with the diff from the comment applied), however, it seems the `+` prefix is currently silently ignored (when run with `v1.5.4505`,...

> Please "touch /var/log/systemctl.debug.log" and run your commands again. That may give you some extra lines especially from parts after the fork. ``` 2021-12-07 09:43:03,226 INFO EXEC BEGIN /usr/bin/systemctl-replacement.py preset...