Michael Voříšek

Results 668 comments of Michael Voříšek

related https://github.com/atk4/ui/issues/447

I am not interested to pursue ScopeBuilder as it does not align my interests. If you will, make your fix passing CI.

Split that into 2 PRs. One to fix this issue with #1730 uncommented - you can reuse that PR if you want (restore branch and reopen it). Once fixed, then...

Fixing `['1' => 1]` to `[1 => 1]` seems like a very well reasoned feature request and the stale bot should never kick in again.

Let's start simple. ``` $v = [ 0 => [ 0 => 'foo', 1 => [], 2 => [], ], ]; ``` This is for example a format produced by...

Please keep this issue open, the impl. is actually quite easy.

Another case to be fixed: ```diff -$origValue = ($this->{$k} ?? null); +$origValue = $this->{$k} ?? null; ```

that is true, but if an object is passed, the array cast is almost always wrong, so the variant with if should be preffered also null is typically not wanted...

as long as the input is restricted by hard type and not-null/non-array-accepting phpdoc type https://phpstan.org/r/d9d9c0ce-e0b6-4e4c-9ebd-92636312f21c in both cases, I would expect a phpstan error with this feature request