Michael Voříšek

Results 668 comments of Michael Voříšek

This is sadly true as the https://github.com/jdorn/sql-formatter/blob/v1.2.17/lib/SqlFormatter.php#L339 and even https://github.com/doctrine/sql-formatter/blob/1.2.0/src/Tokenizer.php#L984 string tokenize code assumes MySQL grammar.

feel free to test on TCPDF repo directly or with https://github.com/mvorisek/TCPDF/commit/a458bc1e61bcf5a2060b78164e57619d0f6569cc with https://github.com/mvorisek/TCPDF/blob/a458bc1e61bcf5a2060b78164e57619d0f6569cc/phpstan.neon.dist#L8 line removed (to reproduce, phpstan should finish in about a minute)

Let's keep this issue open until released. If ok, I will be happy to provide a regression test for it then as this caused a lot of trouble for me...

@ondrejmirtes see https://github.com/tecnickcom/TCPDF/commit/37aa6eeb73b9bfeeb321d846e46b0d98e49ff3d3 last week merged officially to TCPDF - so how to test? clone https://github.com/tecnickcom/TCPDF.git and remove `fonts/` from `excludePaths` in the phpstan config

I can confirm now TCPDF finish in a few minutes. Thank you.

repro of template infered from unioned type: https://phpstan.org/r/4cc1b864-cdf4-4ba9-aa08-1fd766adc1de expected output: ```diff Line Error 26 Dumped type: Input 27 Dumped type: Input 28 Dumped type: Control -28 Unable to resolve the...

I am on v8.29.0 and js files in `.eslint` dir are still completely ignored. I found you do not need `.eslintignore` file, `ignorePatterns` option in `.eslintrc.js` can be used to...

Since https://github.com/atk4/ui/pull/1915 upgrade there is another known issue - enum/checkbox is broken, boolean/radio has no support by upstream https://github.com/nightswinger/vue-fomantic-ui/issues/16 lib (see `_unit-test/scope-builder.php` demo for reproduce).

ContainsXxx should imply nested CRUD, there is some old multiline demo for it https://github.com/atk4/ui/blob/51fb72710525baf51e98e479b0f4d8581845afa8/demos/form-control/multiline-containsmany.php related with https://github.com/atk4/data/pull/1004 change made to address https://github.com/atk4/data/issues/881 containsXxx should behave like ref traversal, except the...

`/demos/basic/breadcrumb.php` - wrong use of sticky `/demos/form/html-layout.php` - no `$form->onSubmit`, the Callback exception should be improved