John Muschelli

Results 93 issues of John Muschelli

I wanted to know if there were any developments for video **playback** inside RStudio/browser. I tried a simple htmlwidgets port of the `videojs` library ( , but figured this package...

I haven't looked into it, but I was wondering if desktop capturing from would be possible. Saw on the blog it's on the list, but wanted this on the...

Added `use_cranlogs_badge`. I harvested `project_name` from `usethis` (couldn't find an exposed function), which adds a heavy load of deps: `desc`, `fs`, `rprojroot`, and `usethis`. Added to suggests so that they...

I added functions to download the utilities so that if `ukbmd5` and such would be in your PATH, then `Sys.which` finds it, it will use that. Otherwise, it will download...

I think the parser has some issues with readr/data, but unsure if it's the use of a function `data` for an object? ``` r library(tidycode) code = 'library(readr) # data... - think this breaks the greedy compilation.

Hey Paul - trying to build on Windows. Not for me, but a general solution for those wanting to use greedy. The repo is located at: It compiles a...

Still using this package for Wordpress, but I figure adding `XMLRPC` in remotes would help people in the future.

@merlinoa Is it possible to enforce some password rules for password creation? We're doing a security audit and wanted to know if we can enforce a standard or see what...

ENH - close if needed. I wonder if some code could be useful that if you pass in `NULL` or have `NULL` as the default for `global_sessions_config` arguments, then it...