John Muschelli

Results 93 issues of John Muschelli

Tagging @jennybc for the `devtools` component of this. Overall the issue occurs when you have a local installation of a package that has a `biocViews` tag, typically from `devtools`, that...

# SSH Installs Fine (Just for checking) This works fine and if the ref is a tag, then it seems to work fine ``` r remotes::install_git("[email protected]:tidyverse/stringr.git", git = "external") #>...


Is it possible to do a screen recording versus a webcam recording? I think it'd be an interesting addition, where `stream(index = 1)` for example, would allow people to record...

help wanted

1. Used updated sparsepp as referenced from and Should be ready to go on CRAN (with new comments). 2. New Travis YAML 3. New roxygen2 updates (so whitespace),...

# createSsd7Model2D fails for 2D ``` r library(ANTsRNet) createSsd7Model2D(c(256, 256, 3), 2) #> Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords): ValueError: Duplicate node name in graph: 'packed' #> #> Detailed traceback: #>...

Default for SuperResolutionGanModel is bad for `64x64x3`, but needs to be `112x112x3`. Technically the product needs to be `25088/2 = 12544` ``` r library( keras ) library( ANTsRNet ) keras::backend()$clear_session()...

``` r library(ANTsRNet) library(ANTsR) #> Loading required package: ANTsRCore #> #> Attaching package: 'ANTsRCore' #> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': #> #> sd, var #> The following objects...

There is an error on The first argument of `layer_add` is the inputs (list of tensors) and the second argument is the `batch_size`. When piped, this is putting `outputs`...

Duplicate reference Something about the HTTP configuration has `content-encoding` misspecified. This seems to happen only on Windows cURL. For example, trying to download: ``` curl -v -s

Ran into this in the past with `ffmpeg`, so I figured it may be a good use case for `vfilter` or something to put as a check so users can...