John Muschelli

Results 105 comments of John Muschelli

``` r # remotes::install_github('muschellij2/knitr') library(knitr) knit_df = function(file) { x = xfun::read_utf8(file) on.exit(knitr::knit_code$restore(), add = TRUE) res = knitr:::split_file(x, patterns = knitr::all_patterns$md) classes = sapply(res, attr, "class") blocks = res[classes...

I think those changes were from a merge upstream, but I will delete. Best, John On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 4:13 PM Yihui Xie wrote: > And R CMD...

I don't know what this failure really is - it seems as though it's in the examples, but I'm unsure if that's anything of my code.

Seems odd - why would that not be triggered on `rhub`:

I don't have time this week to review, but maybe next

Got it - for some reason I was thinking that wasn't going to stack them - thanks

I realized on further inspection this isn't resolved. The data types of the arguments are highly dependent. If color column is a character, you need `barmode = "stack"`. Otherwise, if...

Not sure about the knitr_examples failure.

Just adding a quick reprex (though the data is not public) with some examples of functions that do work. ``` r options(httr_oauth_cache = FALSE) options(gargle_oauth_cache = FALSE) library(DBI) library(dplyr) #>...

I've gotten similar errors before as well. Looked at, but had no answers. It's difficult to send a `reprex` for this as I don't know how to induce this...