With [p10k]( running `kubie ctx` spawns a new shell, which is a very good idea, but seems to dismiss the shells configuration, which is a bad idea, and starts p10k...
Hey there, seems fixed, but for the record, same issue. Archlinux (currently ships 0.27.0), wayland, foot, alacritty, kitty. * good: ``` Version: 0.26.7 Commit: 37569b87 Date: 2022-10-22T19:48:36Z ``` * bad:...
Hey there. I'd love such a thing as well, e.g. like [sxiv]( supports it. Right click, generate thumbnails, show the thumbnails. sxiv is dead. ~~And X only~~. Sadly there are...
Can aura identify packages from AUR, e.g. only treat `aur/`. If that would be possible, I'd say, aura should not try to manage packages built from custom PKGBUILDs with makepkg....
Hm. Clever people would just update their .desktop files to include this in the Name attribute. Anyway, I'll keep this open. Perhaps this makes sense for other people in other...