Michael Stenta

Results 84 issues of Michael Stenta

We are going to be incorporating farmOS-map into the farmOS-client, which is an offline-first progressive web app. One of the limitations that maps currently have is that tiles are loaded...


If you try to add the measure behavior to multiple layers (eg: in the "current location" and "new location" layers in the animal move quick form map: https://www.drupal.org/project/farm/issues/3156713), it works...


The Norwegian map layers module (https://github.com/farmOS/farm_map_no) adds two WMTS sources. This is not currently supported by farmOS-map.


If we are in the middle of drawing a `lineString`, save the segments that have been drawn thusfar. Do this because `lineString` is the only drawing mode that requires a...


Add a timeline slider for visualizing the location of assets over time. Basically just an extension of the current asset cluster maps that takes a timestamp argument. This idea has...


It might be useful to add simple "Undo" and "Redo" buttons while you are drawing points/lines/polygons, which simply undo/redo the last point(s) you added to a shape. This would be...


Create an integration between the `Edit` control and the `Geolocate` control, such that: when the Geolocate button is activated (and therefore your position is being tracked), AND a drawing button...


**Describe the bug** After setting up a public testing instance (see ), and granting access to a volunteer tester, I started seeing these errors occasionally in my Farmier server logs:...


If you make a mistake when selecting photos to attach to a log, or when you take a picture with your camera, there is no way to remove the photo....


See comment here: https://github.com/farmOS/farmOS-client/pull/188#issuecomment-482125734 farmOS allows users to specify which modules they want to turn on in their farmOS instance. This affects what asset types, log types, area types, fields,...
