Michael Stenta

Results 84 issues of Michael Stenta

What would be the best way to approach saving the current state of enabled/disabled layers in browser localStorage, so that it persists across page-loads? Would this need to be implemented...

Drupal.org's official documentation recommends overriding PHP's default `realpath-cache-size` and `realpath-cache-ttl` to "noticeably decrease Drupal's initial page generation times." https://www.drupal.org/docs/7/managing-site-performance/tuning-phpini-for-drupal I am currently adding the following lines to my Dockerfile that...


The `entity_autocomplete` `$form_state` value differs depending on whether it is referencing an existing term or creating a new term. This fixes the submit logic in the configuration form of the...

Draft PR for https://www.drupal.org/project/farm/issues/3352183 - see that issue for more details. This started as PR #668 against the 2.x branch. I've closed that and reopened this new PR against the...

Currently the `farm_plant_type` provides a `plant_type` taxonomy. These `plant_type` terms have a few fields added to them: - `crop_family` - reference to a term in the `crop_family` vocabulary - `companions`...

This adds a `harvest_days` field to `plant_type` taxonomy terms, alongside the existing `transplant_days` and `maturity_days`. Along with the other two field, this will provide core data storage at the plant...

MariaDB tests started failing recently with the following error: `SQLSTATE[HY000] [2054] Server sent charset (0) unknown to the client.` I traced this to the fact that we are running tests...

I was looking into ways of improving the performance of our functional tests, and found this suggestion by @Berdir: > Another thing to consider is to avoid having many test...

Currently log's default to "Pending" if their status is not explicitly set. This is not an intentional decision anywhere, it is simply the default behavior of a `state` field when...

This PR adds a new "Farm" asset type to farmOS core. For context/reasoning/discussion, see: https://farmos.discourse.group/t/interest-in-a-new-farm-asset-type/1863