Khanh Pham
Khanh Pham
Hello @iamacarpet I created a new branch to allow custom an Action in firewall module Please close this pull request: Thank you!
#### Details of the scenario you tried and the problem that is occurring I'm using ansible with **win_dsc** module to create an user ```yaml - name: Create user win_dsc: resource_name:...
### Which OpenObserve functionalities are relevant/related to the feature request? ingestion ### Description OpenObserve flattened nested JSON key by concatenating with `_` It's confused with another key containing `_`. So,...
### Summary When I created Upstream then add target to this upstream (target response status 404 in health check path), Kong showed target is healthy and not request a check...
Hello, I'm using both slack and telegram to receive reports I think there are many people have the same demand I created this pull request to do it