Results 5 comments of Khanh Pham

Hi @johlju, I tried run with verbose mode, this is exception: ``` System.Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to connect to SQL instance 'localhost'. (SQLCOMMON0019) ---> System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException: Exception calling \"Connect\" with \"0\" argument(s):...

> @mrpk1906 Sorry it tooks so long to get back on this, but there have been a lot with they day job. > > > I saw exception doesn't have...

In my Kong config file, I'm setting `db_update_frequency = 5`, `db_update_propagation = 2` When I deleted a target from an Upstream but backend service still receive health check requests from...

In above case, I updated health check path from `/ping` to `/` then check backend service, I got 2 request come from Kong (one to `/` and one to `/ping`)...

Hi @locao, About my case, sometimes Kong didn't execute health check to a target or do request (got error from response status) but still detect it is HEALTHY, any suggest...