Ruddick Lawrence
Ruddick Lawrence
The Faye client has subscription-finished callbacks (, which allow the client to execute code once it is successfully connected to the Faye server. It would be useful for PrivatePub to...
**Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*?** bug **What is the current behavior?** The `userData` argument on the `profileFactory` callback is typed as `AuthTypes.User`, however the...
I've installed CLandmark to my system (OS X 10.11.1; make install), but when I try to use the library with my CMake file, it fails because find_package(clandmark REQUIRED) doesn't set...
Using as an example, replace the `ros_control_controller_manager` node in with: ```xml ``` Build and run `roslaunch rrbot_control rrbot_hardware.launch` and the controller manager stops responding, either to service calls...
Update the moveit launchfile in line with the UR xacro argument name change in
### Description I was running into issues where objects I'd added to the planning scene (using `PlanningSceneInterface`) were disappearing, and discovered that running `ros2 service call /get_planning_scene moveit_msgs/srv/GetPlanningScene` would sometimes...
I'm converting a ROS1 SimpleActionServer to ROS2, and I believe as written `goal_handle.succeed()` could be called on a cancelled goal (if a new goal is accepted just previously): Should...
This directory appears not to exist: With BehaviorTree.CPP installed via`sudo apt install ros-humble-behaviortree-cpp` on Ubuntu 22.04. Running the launchfile results in the following output, and I couldn't find any...
### Description At some point, ros2_controllers deprecated `position_controllers/GripperActionController` (and its associated action `control_msgs/GripperCommand`), and using it now gives this message: ``` [Deprecated]: the `position_controllers/GripperActionController` and `effort_controllers::GripperActionController` controllers are replaced by...
### Description I'm creating a UR5e trajectory by: 1. Defining an approach and a retreat vector of `Eigen::Isometry3d` waypoints 2. Passing each through `CartesianInterpolator::computeCartesianPath` 3. Parameterizing each with `TimeOptimalTrajectoryGeneration::computeTimeStamps` 4....