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Inverted Pendulum Simulation

Inverted Pendulum - Control Systems

I am writing a simple to understand series on controlling real physical systems. You may access it here.

Inverted Pendulum only System


Freefall Inverted Pendulum System Free fall Inverted Pendulum

Inverted Pendulum and Cart System


Free fall Inverted Pendulum and Cart

Forced Inverted Pendulum and Cart System

In this example, the motors on the cart are actuated at fixed time. Thus, they deliver an external force on the system at pre-determined time.


Forced Inverted Pendulum and Cart

Control Inverted Pendulum and Cart System

In this example, the motors are actuated such that the lineared system becomes stable. The linearization point is pendulum up (or [0,0,-pi/2,0]). See also for analysis of linearized system and its stability.

For this we have made used of the python package control for the functions pole_place and lqr. In the future will try and understand how these work and implement these. There were a few subtle things that need to be mathematically correct for this to work. Look at the code to know the exact details.


Controlled Inverted Pendulum and Cart

Here is the system stabilized using Eigenvalues as a result of LQR (Linear Quadratic Regular) Controlled Inverted Pendulum and Cart