Alex Moore-Niemi

Results 23 comments of Alex Moore-Niemi

I don't know how much of internal docs I can share. Basically once the auth server redirects me, that followed request itself returns a `StandardTokenResponse`, so I may be misunderstanding...

@johnnyshields i'm very interested in the possibility you're sketching out. i would think one could write a fairly simple wrapper that overrides require and reroutes it to cargo calls.

ah yes of course, i see what you mean. what if the global dump `require` does can be penned in, and from there, exports done? for the basic use case...

idk about asking for trouble, but it is constraining by strict dependency. that is a major tradeoff. i agree it makes more sense to be interoperable where possible. as for...

I'm also finding `multiplex` on `Version 7.2.1 (7C1002)` doesn't work. At first I thought it was just `XVim` but even when I removed that no dice. (For posterity, does this...

one workaround is to curry your function such that one parameter is effectively fixed for the duration of the test.

@rob99 I'm disappointed to see no maintainers replying to you. I thought I'd point out, in case it helps folks, that the `-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8` is the same as Java's properties in...

Based on looking to see if I can use memoffset 0.2.1 and that fixes it.

I don't see a branch for that would allow me to take 0.2.1 easily. I tried taking `crossbeam = "0.4"` and was able to avoid `memoffset` but of course...

I ended up editing the locale file in memoffset to add `#![feature(cfg_doctest)]` and build succeeded. Maybe I should close this and reopen in memoffset repo?