Alex Moore-Niemi

Results 23 comments of Alex Moore-Niemi

@nathancday yeah, sorry I didn't go into more explanation. Given `parallel_bulk` gives speedup in index/update etc. operations and equivalent is `msearch` for searching, which as you point out, at very...

I was curious about this too; if you do `remove` can't this cause callers to have a cache miss until your `insert` logic finishes? Maybe this is ok if there's...

Alternatively, can there be a way to bump the `ttl` value by a potentially new set amount? This way you can do `get_mut` and update your cache entry if needed,...

I also see exists, should this repo be archived/set a deprecation banner in favor of that one?

See also I think these two issues are really asking for examples that show using Raft with an actually mutable (at the web API level) store, as for someone...

Also seeing this issue. From `:messages`: ``` Error detected while processing function 163_updateSuccessVim: line 4: Failed to update original notebook ```

@victorbrender looks like switching it to `require 'rails_helper'` fixes it, so prob just want to change the official readme: ?

Above has one disadvantage: loses cursor position (sends you to top of file).

hmm, `xdg-open ` works for me in terminal, but fails to work in weechat