Alex Moore-Niemi

Results 30 issues of Alex Moore-Niemi

when I try to use setTime by handing it a value like "15:00" while showMeridian is false, it doesn't work. I just get 12:00AM (12 hour time) as my default...

high importance

Howdy! I am new to OAuth as a protocol and working in an "edge case" situation where I'm using this crate for a [OAuth Distributed](, which in my case requires...

I followed the installation instructions, but when I ran `pipeline = StanfordCoreNLP.load(:tokenize, :ssplit, :pos, :lemma, :parse, :ner, :dcoref)` this happened: ``` RuntimeError: Could not find JAR file (looking in /Users/amooren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/stanford-core-nlp-0.5.3/bin/joda-time.jar)....

unsure if this is wise, because then we have a permutations problem: would want to increase the size of each param concurrently or sequentially?

help wanted

which are the most common types tested against? how can i arrange this in the project to be as easily extendable by community as possible?

help wanted

which options are highest priority for users?

help wanted

Given the file `test.js`, which is a minimal edit of [the `fromKeyword` documentation]( ```javascript syntax m = ctx => { let dummy = #`dummy`.get(0); return #`${dummy.fromKeyword('yield')} 1`; } m ```...

type: bug

Confirming my understanding of the code: there is no way to enforce a max capacity size on the "buffer that holds tasks in a worker queue" which means it would...

I can see commits have cooled off through 2021 and Issues aren't being replied to. Will async-raft open up to other contributors or is it no longer under active development?

Failing to build on latest nightly, but also when using `rustup run nightly-2019-10-28 cargo build`: ``` error[E0658]: `cfg(doctest)` is experimental and subject to change --> /Users/amooren/.cargo/registry/src/ | 74 | #[cfg(doctest)]...