
Results 49 comments of molleweide

I just add this because it might be interesting: Nazarovs launcher and popup makes alacritty into a spotlight search window. Maybe it can add some ideas/inspiration.

> Same here, I'm looking into the problem myself. I will let you know what I find. Thanks :) Nice! It would be majorly awesome if this could work somehow...

actually it turns out lazygit.nvim opens correctly for `telescope-repo` so that part can be ignored BUT regular telescope searching does not operatate on the jumped-to repo..

I tried this command `cd %:p:h` and it works for setting the active file to cwd which then makes telescope search in the new dir BUT it should be modied...

I am asking also on discourse to see if it is possible to make it so that the whole nvim instance moves to the new dir so that you can...

I found this. (you might already know this but since you wrote this plugin) ``` lua "cd %:h | cd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`pwd" ``` This sets the pwd to git...

`if type == 'default' then ...` means if user presses ``, right? This is super cool. I am starting to get it.

ive never used ghq but it seems pretty badass!!! I'll check out rooter also. it looks like a good tiny plugin also for learning plug dev. > Feel free to...

Ah ofc, yeah I will look at this later and see if I can fix it. If so I'll add it to readme.