
Results 49 comments of molleweide

eg. always enter readme file. or I guess this is quite similar to the git status feature.

Allright! Thank you for the answer man!

``` shell ╰ echo $XDG_DATA_HOME /Users/hjalmarjakobsson/.local/share ```

`-> /Users/hjalmarjakobsson/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/Extensions`

I set XDG paths myself. > I would also be interested in the output of `Platform.userAppSupportDir` to see if its the same path as the Extensions dir. `-> /Users/hjalmarjakobsson/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider`

i have to look into supercollider and XDG myself also!

1. i will try the command and report back. 2. are you setting any supercollider env vars? 3. FYI -> I am setting my environment vars with 4. some...

David can you please give me the command for how I start SC from the command line? And do you know what I can search for in order to set...

SIDE NOTE my goal later would be to try to integrate `scnvim` with `gwatcha/reaper-keys` which is a lua-vim framework that implements a vim-bindings internally inside of reaper. I dunno if...

Super excited for 3 - The production is ze solid!!