
Results 49 comments of molleweide

Wonderful! I was just about to ask if this was possible to do!

Haha yeah I think it could be quite interesting feature

Very nice when hunks too big

Wow now it works! I put this in my configs and the firenvim window expands the whole browser window in width: ``` set guifont=FiraCode_Nerd_Font_Mono:h23 ```

> It looks like the [only option]( is to disable the `brave` adblock and use something else. Hey man! How are you using firenvim at the moment? Do you disable...

Yo I got it to work with my own config but not with doom-nvim right away. But I think that I am almost there!! Do you know what the problem...

great thanks! brb when i tried it!!

lol it works this is so cool!! and doom nvim looks pretty dope. this is just so great.

Oh nice! I am pretty sure it doesn't happen anymore. I'll checkout when i come home.

It has been Lua files mostly. I don't have much more to add here atm. But it does persist. We'll see what happens.