UIEffect icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
UIEffect copied to clipboard

UIEffect is an effect component for uGUI element in Unity. Let's decorate your UI with effects!

Results 77 UIEffect issues
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**Describe the bug** Using Advanced Blur and Detail Blur mode on an Android device makes the game really slow. Updates takes several seconds. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior:...


Hey there, first of all, I wanted to thank you for this beautiful project, been looking for something like this for a few months now, finally found it!. I wanted...


I am try to load Asset bundle and Asset bundle, i have only one image and apply UIGradient Script.When assetbundle is load in unity, it will not showing gradient effect.


take pivot into account, so that UIFlip.cs could work correctly when the pivot is anything but (0.5, 0.5)

**Reproduce** Try to setup same combinations of components: [screenshot](http://dl3.joxi.net/drive/2020/07/01/0008/1075/574515/15/ee02ec61e5.jpg) Environment: - Version [e.g. 4.0.0] - Platform Editor: Windows 10 / Standalone WebGL - Unity version: [e.g. 2019.0.f1] - Build options:...


Does UIEffect support URP shaders? I couldn't find any mention regarding that in this GIT UIEffect Issues.


If possible try placing the shaders in some folder other than "Resources". My mobile game project just uses one effect but the shaders of all other effects get included in...


**Describe the bug** When applying a blur to an image, a visible and blurred border is created. **To Reproduce** I am rendering a full screen render texture **Expected behavior** No...


private void Awake() { mSkeletonGraphic = GetComponent(); mSkeletonGraphic.OnPostProcessVertices += OnPostProcessSkeletonGraphic; } private void OnPostProcessSkeletonGraphic(MeshGeneratorBuffers buffers) { if (!isActiveAndEnabled) return; float normalizedIndex = ptex.GetNormalizedIndex(this); // rect. Rect rect = m_EffectArea.GetSpineEffectArea(buffers, rectTransform.rect);...
