Change Project Collections Filtering Options to Make it easier to remove projects from a collection
## Feature Description Find ways to make it easier to remove projects from a collection, principally by adding a filter option to a project collection that shows only those projects...
## Feature Description Right now, the activity feed can include tweets and items in an RSS feed. This new feature would expand the activity feed so that it could pull...
## Feature Description For edited collections, especially, where a publication consists of chapters authored by different authors, it would be ideal if the authors of each chapter had the possibility...
## Feature Description We already have the underlying structure in place to allow users to link to specific places in a text, but we haven't yet exposed that in the...
## Feature Description Especially for people who are hosting their own Manifold installations, there should be a way to 1. see what version of Manifold they are using, 2. be...
## Feature Description When one clicks Enter Admin Mode, one is always taken to the home dashboard page. This can be frustrating when one is working on a particular project...
## Feature Description A download/export button will allow the admin of a Manifold installation to export a spreadsheet containing info on projects in the install -- at a most basic...
## Feature Description On the "All Projects" page of a Manifold installation, the sort options currenttly only allow projects to be sorted A-Z or Z-A. It would be useful to...
I may be wrong about this, but I thought that I could close an annotation modal by clicking off of it and on to the main part of the text....
The CUNY Graduate Center Library uses [Conifer]( to archive digital dissertation and capstone projects. Until recently, our librarians were able to use Conifer without a problem to archive Manifold projects,...