Michael Kelley Harris
Michael Kelley Harris
Provide Public and private history control. Author may not want to show all evolution of thought, for artistic or legal reasons.
Ward - I looked at the Pattern Efficiency Plugin on fed.wiki.org and locally for the three images. There are likely multiple issues, but the first obvious one is the need...
Provide printing capability. Can be simple. One panel per page. Chrome currently does not appear to be able to print these pages. Tags: print, printing, output
Provide way to Hide/Show page history. e.g. toggle button.
Add a Hints or Help feature, to help users in context. Could be a small "?" on a page. Or "Help" or "Hints" button on SFW status bar. (Like "Logout"...
Add status on the SFW status bar, when helpful. Example user story: The user has unsubmitted changes. (yellow borders) because they weren't logged in when they made changes. Alert them...
Allow external links with no description. Default to URL. e.g. [http://c2.com] would default to c2.com My first couple of guesses at creating an external link failed, w/o a description. I...
Possible personas: Student (note taker), Busy Executive (TODO list maker), Entreprenuer (landing pages, support info), Conference Organizer, HR person (policies & procedures), Government Employer, Emergency Agency (fire/weather updates), Social Service...
Feature Candidate: For new pages, force "Create page" if someone starts adding content to new page.
For new pages, force "Create page" if someone starts adding content to new page. As a naive new user, I was able to start adding content to a new page,...
Have links for internal references and external references use the same bracket syntax, if possible. Could guess based on http, etc. versus just words.