Michael Kelley Harris
Michael Kelley Harris
I agree with your solution of not offerring editing of ghost pages. That's simple and clean. I didn't see obvious error indicators in the GUI itself.
Powerful idea. Possible tree & leaf relationships. At the very least it could be a hierarchical indexing strategy. One master wiki that holds other wikis. It could be a candidate...
This general idea may support aggregating multiple wikis of data. e.g. USA sustainability data could be aggregated from separate states' wikis. This allows divide and conquer for people's projects. Also...
Your idea of offering "light", "heavy" and "complete" variations sounds very complete and powerful for an author. One extra possibility would be to provide a version number with each edit...
> This reminds me again why one should not build on other people's services. > :-) Quite a pattern observation in the age of the cloud and many web >...
I'd welcome some hints on how to login to my account: http://kelley.fed.wiki.org/view/welcome-visitors, to add content. I see this when I log on with Google (As expected from this thread. Page...
I sure support you following your intuition on this issue. One possible hybrid is to show the last n lines of the history, with a more button, if people want...