Results 254 comments of M.K.

I think the next best thing to negative indexes were if the .last() method could accept (n) and return the [length - n]th element.

``` javascript function guessScriptFileBeforeCurrent() { return Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('script')).last(2).src; } ```

Wow, very unfortunate news. I can totally understand your frustration. Already in the leftpad case, my stance was that people are responsible themselves for setting up caches and mirrors of...

I wouldn't have expected any special 200/404 file behaviour either, as the README doesn't mention it.

How about we integrate [morgan]( It offers a variety of log formats.

[Example code]( for ecstatic `stack`ed with logging.

Alternatively, we could consider implementing a very light-weight sub-middleware chaining mechanism inside the middleware function we return, so people can plug whatever logging and more. ([Yo dawg](, I heard you...

Another easy way to make an SPA is to just [cheat the input URL.]( @ngs: Would you mind adding "(SPA default page)" to the topic to help future people find...

> Because the format specified in the response is based on the file being served, rather than the path used to access it. That "is" is a matter of configuration....