Results 254 comments of M.K.

There cannot be a fix because it's a config issue. If a chain of one or more symlinks is involved and you want content type to be guessed by filename,...

Looks like following no redirects is actually the default, and I just made a typo in the URL. Could you please clarify the intended redirect behaviour in the Readme then?

Meanwhile I just use xdotool to click the password field, type the password, click login.

Another idea: Can we hook a URL schema? Might also be nice for websites. A "Join our Server" link to `minetest://user:pass@server:port/`, confirm in browser, and ready you are.

Thanks. I consider it relevant here, too, because it would offer a standardized cross-plattform login mechanism that all usual password managers should support.

I discovered that MT 5.3.0 has all the command-line options required. Just make a nice shell script (or desktop shortcut in Windows) where run the minetest client program with options...

@sindastra Which party would check and authorize the session at login, and using what mechanism? Usually for websites, a hash of the password is stored, and clients need to send...

> what i want to say is, that […] storing plain text passwords on the users machine is not such a big problem. I agree. However, the storage method shouldn't...

> Using a password manager is a single point of failure. That problem is independent from MineTest, and there are solutions for it. For most people's everyday logins it doesn't...

If we start adding a simple login manager, we inevitably invite feature creep: * In my case, the obvious next feature would be to sync my logins between my computers....