Results 254 comments of M.K.

> for multi-user, just write the data to user config as os standard. Won't be useful for average fanilies. They only have one OS user account on their machine, the...

> i think a command line parameter would be much better. […] so users can add desktop shortcuts to their server. We do have the CLI params. You can already...

> it’s somewhat at odds with the presence of favourites I agree. I'd prefer to have the server list as a separate project. The default download for shallow-interested users should...

Server management includes the complexity of credentials and logins, so yes, that deserves a separate project. For single player worlds, I don't have the knowledge to decide whether it's complex...

Also the fact that I need 3rd party tools to help me select which mods shall be enabled in my single player worlds, probably indicates that they have sufficient complexity...

@MisterE123 Thanks for supporting this feature request! Most of your ideas, as far as I understand them, have been discussed above already, some with better alternatives. When you've read up,...

> so Alice's plants v4.5 is configured to never override your sunflower. As long as it still ships the resource, and my RP wins, it still has authority and thus...

> but I don't promise anything sorry. No worries. I'm currently in a phase of lost hope for MineTest, so I won't use this feature any time soon. Nowadays, best...

I guess the better path forward would be to request on the upstream Adminer repo to read config from environment variables. Requesting it here for just the docker image, for...

However, I agree that the readme here should describe which env vars it adds, and what ways there are to configure upstream Adminer via env vars. (Even in case the...