M Kundegorski

Results 8 issues of M Kundegorski

gcc 8.3.0 GNU Octave, version 5.1.0 I wonder if there is a chance of it working in Octave? Compilation fails for me on something seemingly unrelated: ``` octave:1> compile compiling...

Hello: Just a suggestion. Boost should be included in CMakeList.txt in a more generic way: ``` find_package( Boost COMPONENTS python system REQUIRED ) include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) link_directories(${Boost_LIBRARY_DIR}) ``` instead of `set(BOOST_LIBS "-lboost_system...

### Pandas version checks - [X] I have checked that this issue has not already been reported. - [X] I have confirmed this bug exists on the [latest version](https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/whatsnew/index.html) of...

Needs Triage

- 11.5, `display(iris.loc[0:9, "petal_width":"species"])` - should be petal_length - some `f` missing in f stirngs in earlier notebooks -

Especially 10.12 would be worth adding.


I thought it might be easier to aggregate any interesting materials in the issue, instead of editing a file in the repo. I think we should have a separate file...

- more numpy/scipy/pandas examples to practice - more information on importing modules and practice with that (maybe how to check version, and example of errors when imported function doesn't exist....