Manuel Weichselbaumer

Results 27 comments of Manuel Weichselbaumer

@abelmatser Sure, cornrow works with any bluetooth adapter out of the box. However, it will use the first adapter it finds.

Yes, UDP is the proper way to do realtime communication. But why should the development cost be so high? I could actually do that and i would stick to RTP/UDP...

I can do that within the scope of #439

My fork tries to stay as close as possible to the original SBFspot and it is planned to be a drop-in replacement (until it potentially gets merged back to the...

@rucksman There is an implementation to read the SMA Energy Meters: I will investigate that one and then we could integrate this one into SBFspot. What are your exact...

This is really nice. UUIDs and complex types would greatly help for my purposes. What i would also like to see is a **float16** data type. For my use case,...

I got a use case, where i want to transfer data on a daily and yearly base. At least the day timestamp could be represented as a date only (without...

Well, this "less is more" philosophy enforces people to write a myriad of tools with partly overlapping functionality and none of these fulfills even the most basic features. At least...

> We don't plan to visualise generic pv/energy metrics in the evcc ui. Like RTTTC said, vendor apps or pv-logging solutions usually do a decent job there. I'd recommend to...

Thanks a lot for your feedback. This is very valuable. I have one request for you. Could you open a regular pull request? This would help setting up a proper...