Manuel Weichselbaumer

Results 27 comments of Manuel Weichselbaumer

There is a configuration file provided, i my assumption is, that airplay is disabled by default, correct?

Hi, currently, there are no plans for such a feature. However, i can check whether I could implement any kind of socket interface.

Hi, btw, what kind of button? Do you mean a physical one? Supporting GPIO should be easy.

hmm, still not sure, how we want to interface with cornrow. Maybe, it is enough to add a PIN code and make it configurable via config file. What do you...

@abelmatser Yes, this sounds acceptable to me. If you could even help out with a PR this would be best. I am not quite sure, when i find the time...

Will this work with TS-251 (without +)? Or what's the cheapest QNAP device to run jellyfin? Only used for music playback.

Ok, this is strange. Can you show me the output of: `sudo dbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call --dest='org.bluez' '/' org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager.GetManagedObjects` Search for `org.bluez.Media1`

Might be something with the access rights. Which pi do you exactly have? This is an unmodified raspbian, correct? Can you tell me your firmware version?

The Pi3 is the only i have missing in my collection... However, i can try out raspbian lite and check, if i have the same issues. But anyhow, i doubt,...

Ok, i just installed raspbian light on a _Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1._ Firmware: _Aug 26 2022 14:03:16 Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom version 102f1e848393c2112206fadffaaf86db04e98326 (clean) (release) (start)_ OS:...