Manuel Weichselbaumer

Results 30 issues of Manuel Weichselbaumer

There is a call to std::locale("") which throws on systems where locales are not set. I guess, this should be considered as a bug, right?

This change does some changes to CMakeLists.txt to enable macOS compilation (using HomeBrew).

This change moves the volume processing to a dedicated class called SoftwareDsp. My goal is to provide a central point for any buffer manipulations (e.g. equalizing).

As I am writing and maintaining a bluetooth audio daemon ( there had been a request to integrate my tool into snapcast. As I can see, there are integrations for...

feature request

Because of differences of speakers and volumes, it is desirable to be able to equalize clients. I am willing to prepare a pull request to realize this feature. I am...

feature request

There exists a solution to add bluetooth support to snapcast. So, I would be great, if this is included in your documentation. My [bluetooth audio daemon]( can act as TCP...

feature request

This adds extension types for geographic coordinates. Please share your thoughts. :)

A suggestion to represent years and days since 1970-01-01.

timestamp 16 stores the number of days that have elapsed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC in an 16-bit unsigned integer: +--------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | 0xd5 | -1 | days in 16-bit unsigned int...