
Results 4 issues of Michel

I originally switched to creating a new `TextLayout` every time in the [text rendering methods](https://github.com/michel-pi/GameOverlay.Net/blob/master/source/Drawing/Graphics.cs#L1678 "Graphics.cs#L1678") because their was a little bug (either in mine or SharpDX code) which let...


The `ImageBrush` is able to be draw any kind of image (or just a part of it? and maybe scaled?) into any shape you chose. Example: Render an image in...

help wanted

By using `GlyphRun` we could implement all kind of crazy text rendering stuff like mentioned in the title. But as always the documentation on this topic is terrible and it...

help wanted

The current implementation is not very customizable and lacks the ability to scale which is required when using the same brush to draw different shapes

help wanted