Alessandro Benoit

Results 36 comments of Alessandro Benoit

Hi @nealio82, in my case I used a slightly different scenario but to be consistent with your example you can imagine that after the apointment the vet needs to register...

@nimmneun So `App\Identity\Generator` would be global to all BCs? And how it would be instanced inside the Value Object? Sure that way I wouldn't have dependencies on the outside world...

@nimmneun I see. So you'll have a set of common services shared with single BCs using interfaces. I see how this is probably a good way to go even if...

Thank you so much for your thorough explanation. You've actually shed some light on my doubts. I'll try to apply your advices to my own Laravel project and see how...

Hello @JEric49, I guess you were looking to open the PR on

I've added a couple of comments. Thank you for your PR.

@solid-droid can you please double check. Now your PR is changing almost 400 lines of code... ![image](

Hello @meshesha, could you update the readme file and add some context to the PR, please?

Thank you for pointing it out. I'll fix it on next release.

I think it fits. About the name i guess .config.nuwk would be more obvious.