Alessandro Benoit

Results 36 comments of Alessandro Benoit

Hi @mackwic, any new from the owner?

Cool! 2014-07-07 15:34 GMT+02:00 Thomas Wickham [email protected]: > Yep, he’s waiting for my pull request, which is on its way. > Then we’ll just have to nom install his package....

I'm glad you took the initiative cause lately i've got so little time to dedicate it. I'll follow you step by step but, if you wish, you'll have free hand...

Good to me! A good opportunity to learn something new :smile:

Go with search engine indexing (Elasticsearch etc... ) or buy a faster Sql server... This package is great but doing full-text search without indexes is terribly expensive.

Just back from holidays. I'll check it out asap.

Hi @maazelka, i've just realized that opera mini is kind of a mess. I tried ReSmenu on Opera for Android, no problem there but with Opera Mini even Foundation mess...

Hello @bfncs , Thank you for you PR. I haven't looked at ReSmenu in a while but giving a look at your code the first thing that comes to my...

Well, even though window.resize is mostly fired by people testing the plugin more than the actual website visitors adding debouncing has been in my priority list for the next ResMenu...

Cool with it but I'd ask you to do not close the PR, I'll keep it as a reminder and merge it to a new dev branch for v1.0.0. Thank...