Alessandro Benoit

Results 10 issues of Alessandro Benoit

Hello @nealio82 , I've been following your talk at sfday last week. As I'm mostly a Laravel dev I tried to rebuild your example on Laravel and I think I...

Add a `--chrome-app` flag to automatically open the web interface as a Chrome App. For reference on macOs: ```shell /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --app= ```


Already did it before but better safe than sorry.


After this we might consider refactoring all unit/integration tests and improve the acceptance test.


A nice feature would be to allow to forward singular email from the web ui or setting a `--forwardto [email protected]` option to the CLI that would forward all the emails...


# Environment ``` Windows build number: Microsoft Windows [Versione 10.0.18363.836] PowerToys version: v0.18.0 PowerToy module for which you are reporting the bug: Keyboard Manager ``` # Steps to reproduce 1....

Product-Keyboard Shortcut Manager

Hi, first of all thank you! Starship is both useful and nice on the eyes so it became my go-to prompt on both my macOs and WSL2 shells. Here I'm...

✨ enhancement
🌱 good first issue
🎃 hacktoberfest

Hi, first of all thank you. I've been waiting to be able to run static analysis on my blade templates since a long time. Unfortunately on my first try I...

waiting for feedback

_From @swashata on May 15, 2014 11:7_ Since we are good to go with version 2.0.0, here are my ideas for future release: - [ ] Make the plugin APIs...


_From @pcout on August 18, 2014 4:17_ Is it possible to multiselect ? thanks _Copied from original issue: micc83/fontIconPicker#14_
