Matt Widmann

Results 39 issues of Matt Widmann

In the following code, the `uri` option is required to be passed in, even though its not used since the socket parameter is provided. I've used this to supply my...

Currently theres no handling of the rate limit in this project. I regularly hit the rate limit (usually at the end of the hour) and would like to hear your...

Could be just basic but it'd be nice to be able to easily specify the query and the parameters w/ the client and have it run it for you. Something...

With cucumber you can do `cucumber features/my_feature.feature:123` to run a specific feature, but I don't know how to do that with white bread and theres nothing documented. I tried digging...

Something like the following does not work: ```elixir defmodule GlobalContext do use WhiteBread.Context scenario_starting_state fn state -> Application.ensure_all_started(:hound) Hound.start_session state end scenario_finalize fn _state -> Hound.end_session end # Global given/then/and/ect...

The generated `MyLanguageVisitor` type generates one `visitX(context): Result` function for each parser rule. However, it is incorrectly generating `Result` as the return type. This is because not all parser rules...

The following does not work: ```elixir scope "/admin" do pipe_through :admin forward "/wobserver", Wobserver.Web.Router end ``` All JSON api requests end up being denied because no cookies are sent and...

I am seeing the following error show up in the logs: ``` Ranch acceptor received unexpected message: {:system, {#PID, #Reference}, :get_status} ``` Which is logged from this line: It...

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong so please correct me if I have. I have 5 different registries/supervisors to split the load of my application. One for "everything else" and 4...


Currently the tests fail due to the issue #154 @derekkraan Can you get the crashes to stop happening? I know its a lot of output, but this is everything output...