Marvin Frachet

Results 33 comments of Marvin Frachet

I honestly don't know what's happening here, pa11y runs locally for me on the project you're trying to run: Do you run on a specific machine / configuration?

I will take care of this one when coming back from vacation. Seems like something is not going super well with Cypress 10 🤔

Have you manage to do something on this one? What's is interesting to me is that the port displayed is not valid 🤔 Like `econnrefused on :1::60387` (which is not...

@MichaelRobsonSliide , the library is now `@cypress-audit/lighthouse` and is in version 1.3.1. The doc website has been updated accordingly. Do you mind checking it and see if it solves your...

Have you tried with the instructions here ? (and you're right, I forgot to add the import in the documentation 😓 )

Hello 👋🏻 No, it does not exist yet :). I'll investigate if it's something possible when I'm getting back from vacations 😊

It's not really an active project nor a published one of NPM. I'm not comfortable at all with the iOS ecosystem and have not finished to bridge the swift implementation...

There's been a PR from @alex4dev that attempts to make it run on ios: . You could maybe try on the new master branch for testing?