Marvin Frachet

Results 33 comments of Marvin Frachet

Hello there :). Can you give me an example on how you would proceed without the library? So that I can have an overview and try to find an approach...

I m not sure, but if you'd like to use the same API, it doesn't seem to exist a streaming API. However the limitations are saying : ``` Limits Please...

I think you have the changes in mind, do you want to open a pull request? 😊

It's the port the Cypress browser is running on. Like this line: . I don't know why, but it seems that it can't have access to it in your...

It's not a bug, it's a feature that has not been implemented

I don't have control over this. This plugin is basically glue between lighthouse-cli and cypress. But my feeling is that there might be something related to the cypress browser instance...

This would be a great feature indeed, thanks for requesting