Marvin Frachet

Results 12 issues of Marvin Frachet

Hello there, and thank you for the job you made 😊 I think your storybook became offline because of the github switch removing .com domain? Could you please re-publish this...

- Use a gatsby project for this - Correct the none-english sentances - Make the example clearer and less functional oriented (reduce is not super straightforward here)

Hello, people using this library 👋🏻 First, thank you all for having supported the project for such a long period 😊 . As you may have seen, this project has...

It seems that using some `PerfMonitor` tools are not available by now because of [Fiber]( on React 16, see [this issue]( on react native

I m having some troubles when trying to implement an oauth2orize server without sessions. Even if I set passport strategy with session:false, oauth2orize throw me an exception telling that I...

I m using this library to make rewire inside of a project and I m having some troubles while requiring the due module in another one. My module is the...

I ve seen your github activity and it s really full, like contributing many many time per day. I was wondering if you have a job or if you live...

Not a bug nor a feature, but since there were no recent commits, I was wondering if people were actively working on this project or if it has stopped for...

I m having multiple functions with multiple if inside of them, and I always got a 1 as complexity value. It's not the correct value actually. Is this a known...

## Ask your Question Hello all! Thanks for the initiative :). I wanted to know what is the actual state of the project? Is it still on-going or stopped for...
