Max Badryzlov

Results 91 comments of Max Badryzlov

Yeah, I've already thought about different types of panels, but so far it's just been ideas with low priority level. About suggested panels - History and Download panels can be...

This is a planned feature for v5. I want to add a menu item to configure URL (domain/custom RegEx as you described) to reopen tab in some container and to...

No, there is no option for this, but I'll add it.

No, it's not possible in v4. In v5 you can manually save tabs panel to bookmarks in one window and restore it in another.

I'd like to, but I don't know yet how to properly implement this feature. There are different ways, but each has essential (from my point of view) drawbacks: ### Preview...

It's technically possible, to implement this I need to inject a script in each new page to parse head section and find the appropriate link, then ask background script to...

Just tested your script (with empty `extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains` in about:config) and it works perfectly (on tested pages). I completely forgot about user scripts. They actually can solve almost all described problems...

Ok, I'll add this feature. Implementation doesn't look difficult so I think this will appear in the next release.

Thanks for the detailed comment, @dexeonify. Another way to add vertical margins between tabs in v4 is: ```css #root { --tabs-height: 30px; } .Tab { height: 28px; margin: 0 0...

Thanks for the suggestion, I think it'll be better to add setting "Position of drag-and-dropped items(tabs/bookmarks) with ctrl pressed": "next to the active tab", "panel end", "panel start" etc... Also,...