
Results 9 issues of maxlein

Missing service when using webviz: See ticket [here]( ``` JSON command received: {"op":"call_service","id":"call_service:/rosapi/topics_and_raw_types:1","service":"/rosapi/topics_and_raw_types","type":"rosapi/TopicsAndRawTypes","args":{}} +11ms ros2-web-bridge:Bridge Response: {"op":"status","level":"error","msg":"call_service: Error: The message required does not exist: rosapi, srv, TopicsAndRawTypes","id":"call_service:/rosapi/topics_and_raw_types:1"} +0ms ```


Can we have this feature for ROS 2 also? [Related PR](


**Describe the bug** I can't subscribe to topics which have QoS profile other than the default one. For example if I publish a topic with QoS Sensor Data, the endpoint...


After installing jupyther the call to `jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix ipywidgets` fails. Both on my native Ubuntu 18.04 machine and in a docker container. ``` root@75289eaa9696:~# jupyter nbextension enable...

As it not that easy to get all the dependencies in and get this to work, I thought of adapting the Dockerfile of the original repos author to ROS2 and...


## Bug report I have 2 nodes which lookup a transform from base_link -> map. As soon as the map transform is not published anymore, in my case the node...


I try to get my app running under a special path with `RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT`. I do that because my app runs in a kubernetes cluster and I need a specific route,...

When I start a server with this [config](, and read registers out like that: ``` Modbus::Data values[4]; // is cdab order if (slave->readRegisters (1, values, 4) > 0) ... ```...

I am trying to run unit tests like described [here](, but it seems to me that the helper is not correctly initialized. So if I try to load my node,...