I have also a question in this direction: Dealer Socket which is not connected sends a message out. Result: I get "40 bytes send" back and the function returns true,...
Is there some issue/repo to see the progress of these tasks here? Like Graph / lane or Pure Pursuit.
No, didn't adapt the code. So still open.
Same with me ...
Ok, the documentation page is outdated... It's missing `helper.init(require.resolve('node-red'));`
This is the exact function I call: ``` static inline geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped getTransform( const rclcpp::Node & node, const tf2_ros::Buffer & tf, std::string targetFrame, std::string sourceFrame, tf2::TimePoint tf2_time = tf2::TimePointZero, tf2::Duration timeout...
Great to hear. But unfortunately I don't have the resources right now to set up a source branch from master. Right now we are working on foxy debs.