Max Katz

Results 288 comments of Max Katz

We could replace "path" with integer ID of XAML file theoretically. Object key is questionable, as it won't be allowed in the attribute, only string I suppose (which is mostly...

Possibly some const blob of bytes can be generated as an alternative, which is serialized by the compiler and deserialized by the previewer. Should save some size, but not too...

It makes sense to start with 11.0 previews and release first public package with 11.0-RC when it's ready. Hopefully, in next months.

if I missed any of the controls - let me know. For some reason, Rider doesn't report localizable strings warnings now, even though it always annoyed me with that before.

> ColorPicker which is one of the main controls to be translated Oh, right, I forgot it had localizable strings too. As robloo said it should have way less of...

> This should probably be named RequestedUILanugage vs. ActualUILanuage. Not sure. It's a language provided by the OS, since it's part of the IPlatformSettigns interface. "Requested" term normally identifies something...

> I suppose something is better than nothing but these types of things have a habit of staying around forever. Yes and yes. And yes, it is expected to stay...

Changed sample IResourceProvider implementation to use IStringLocalizer and avoiding hardcoded strings in the description.
