Matt Wynne

Results 143 comments of Matt Wynne

I've raised the RSS problem with SmartBear's Web And Creative team who will take a look at adding an RSS feed for the blog. cc @declark

Personally I have an aversion to nulls in general: they breed `if` statements, which in turn breed bugs. But in a protocol like this there will be some places they're...

IMO it should ideally error if the subsequent lines don't match the first one, and use that first line as the indent margin for the rest. e.g. ```gherkin Feature: Good...

> IMO both of your representations are valid. I think one of the "bigger" issues at the moment is newlines are being absorbed. > > So something like > >...

Although I am a great fusspot about lining things up in source code files, I think being opinionated about 2-space indentation in `.feature` files is a lost battle. .Net developers,...

@aurelien-reeves thanks for all your work on this! I've had a busy few weeks and am only just picking this up. I don't quite have enough context to help with...

Oops. I figured the fact that the CI was failing before we added Dart to the build image meant it was being tested in CI. I should have looked closer....

@lamkr I think the place to start is to add a `gherkin/dart/Makefile` with a `default` target that compiles and tests the code. Then we can integrate that into the main...

I've realised that the `dart` command wasn't even in the `PATH` in the build image, because I hadn't tested the installation script properly. I'll release a new version of the...

We could also use Pulumi, which has the advantage of using a regular programming language for the declarations instead of HCL. I'll have a tinker with both.