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Standardise GitHub repo settings

Open mattwynne opened this issue 2 years ago • 7 comments

As we break apart the monorepo (#1724) and implement release automation (#1688), it becomes increasingly difficult to manage the various branch protection rule and environment settings in each repo.

@mpkorstanje has suggested using Terraform to manage this config. Here's a blog post with some examples:

mattwynne avatar Oct 15 '21 22:10 mattwynne

We could also use Pulumi, which has the advantage of using a regular programming language for the declarations instead of HCL.

I'll have a tinker with both.

mattwynne avatar Oct 19 '21 00:10 mattwynne

I've played with Pulumi today, and managed to get it to configure team access to a couple of repos. Proof of concept code is here:

mattwynne avatar Oct 20 '21 01:10 mattwynne

The first task I tried to take on with this was to give us declarative management of team-repo permissions. It seems that this just isn't possible at the moment.

However, it should still be possible to use either Pulumi or Terraform to set up and manage the branch protection rules we need established for repos where we have release automation. I'll try that next.

mattwynne avatar Jan 19 '22 21:01 mattwynne

Perhaps this could be a better solution than Terraform:

mattwynne avatar Jan 27 '22 22:01 mattwynne

Sigh. Doesn't seem to support branch protection rules properly:

mattwynne avatar Feb 02 '22 00:02 mattwynne

@mattwynne any updates here?

luke-hill avatar Sep 05 '23 08:09 luke-hill

I haven't found any technology that can do it. I found but last time I looked it had a bunch of usability problems (e.g. and wasn't under active development. It looks like things may have picked up again, so it could still be an option.

mattwynne avatar Sep 05 '23 19:09 mattwynne