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Move messages to stand-alone repo

Open mattwynne opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

mattwynne avatar Jun 28 '22 23:06 mattwynne

aurelien-reeves avatar Jun 29 '22 09:06 aurelien-reeves

Todo list (for at least go, java, javascript, perl, php and ruby - dotnet is ignored for now, elixir may require additional work in parallel of

  • [x] Add tests as part of the CI
    • [x] Merge the perl PR after review
  • [x] Add code generation as part of dev workflow (still relying on make, but only dedicated to code generation)
  • [x] Check as part of the CI that generated code in the repo is up-to-date with the schemas
  • [ ] Clean-up the repo
    • [ ] Synchronize READMEs accross languages to avoid package managers without READMEs
    • [ ] Write some doc / contributing doc
  • [x] Add release workflows (
    • [x] Do not forget post-release processes
      • [x] ~~among others: java~~ (done with polyglot release)
      • [x] ~~among others: php~~ (dependency updates should be done using renovate or dependabot)
  • [x] Release
  • [x] Migrate issues / PRs

Depending on the status of the elixir piece of work, do not forget to

  • [ ] Remove protocol buffer from elixir
    • [x] in test-elixir.yml (WIP in a PR)

aurelien-reeves avatar Jul 01 '22 11:07 aurelien-reeves

@aurelien-reeves thanks for all your work on this! I've had a busy few weeks and am only just picking this up. I don't quite have enough context to help with the task about synchronizing the readmes - do you mean we could copy / paste a standard README file manually into each language sub-folder? Or did you mean something more fancy and automated?

I've made a start on the release workflows, but we will need help from Wannes, Ciaran and Erik to get the Elixir, PHP and Perl releases working I think.

mattwynne avatar Aug 12 '22 20:08 mattwynne

@mattwynne regarding the readmes, I had no idea in mind. I just wanted to avoid missing readmes with npm or such package managers. That could be done manually.

For the release workflows:

  • we don't care the for Elixir one at the moment: the actual implementation is not maintained, outdated, and unused. The next one is still WIP
  • I am pretty sure we already have some Perl release workflow somewhere
  • For PHP, this is based on git tags, like go-lang. This is using a sub-repo at the moment

aurelien-reeves avatar Aug 16 '22 09:08 aurelien-reeves