LGTM, @curcur Do you have other comments ?
[FLINK-9465][Runtime/Checkpointing] Specify a separate savepoint timeout option via CLI and REST API
Hi, @zoltar9264 Just Kindly ping, Are you still working on the pr? Could you rebase the newest master branch and resolve comments?
@flinkbot run azure
@gaoyunhaii @dawidwys Could you help to take a review ? I'd like to make it usable in 1.17. Thanks a lot!
> I started the review, but since I started finding issues or potential issues in the migrated methods, would you be so kind and split migrating serializers/snapshots to separate commits?...
@dawidwys Could you help to take a review again?
> Hey @masteryhx, do you plan to work on that for 1.18? Sure, I'd like to. Thanks a lot for the reminder. Big sorry for the delayed update due to...
@flinkbot run azure
@dawidwys Hi, Sorry for the late update due to personal business. I have updated some previous commits so just also splitted them into different commits for the convinence of review....
@Zakelly @reswqa Could you also help to take a look ? Thanks a lot!