Martynas Majeris

Results 280 comments of Martynas Majeris

If you need to catch keyboard events you need to add them on a document, not legend item. Then trigger focus on specific element using its `isFocused` accessor: ``` chart.legend.itemContainers.getIndex(0).isFocused...

At this time we do not plan on making this change I'm afraid. amCharts 4 is not getting any new features. We might consider arrow-based selection in amCharts 5 at...

What type of axis range are you trying to implement? Is it simple guides/bands, or related to series?

Thanks. None of those are available or can be easily implemented right now. Axis ranges require special series/axis methods to be created, so it would need special handling in JSON...

Please refer to this tutorial:

I suppose "value labels" make item containers wider than they seem. If you're not using value labels, disabling them should do the trick: ```JavaScript legend.valueLabels.template.set("forceHidden", true); ```

You can use private setting `step` for that: ```JavaScript yAxis.getPrivate("step"); ``` Or, you can monitor to any changes in step: ```JavaScript yAxis.onPrivate("step", function(step) { console.log(step); }); ```

Would you be able to post your whole chart and data on CodePen/jsFiddle so that we can test?

I'm afraid we cannot check it because we don't have a live chart to test with. If you cannot provide it here, please contact our support at [email protected] EDIT: just...